the hyrulian compendium
chapter ix - dark hyrule

Charged by the stories of Hyrule's glory that he heard from his father, a young Link set sail from his own birth land for that of his father's.

As Link ship crashed upon the beaches of Hyrule, the young Link noticed something odd about the air. It was thick and humid. There was no green fields and towering white citadels in sight. Instead, there were untamed forests and rubble. Link pushed on through the woods until he came upon a clearing where he found an old woman being attacked by a pack of Moblins. Drawing his sword, Link dispatched the beasts and helped the woman to her feet.

She identified herself as Impa, the handmaiden to the Princess of Hyrule. She explained that Ganon, the King of Evil, has returned from his apparent death wielding the Triforce of Power and captured Zelda in search of the other two. Link was in over his head, he had no idea who Ganon, Zelda, or the Triforce was. But, his father's unrelenting spirit of justice burned within young Link, and the boy accepted the challenge.

After almost a half century of extended peace and prosperity, great trials were brought upon the land of Hyrule. Due to the greed of the Crown Prince (see Curse of the Magician) the Triforce of Power once again returned to its old owner Ganon. Ganon used that power to free himself from the void known as the Dark Realm, where he had been trapped due to his last encounter with a Link. After Ganon was able to enter the physical realm, his minions flowed forth upon the kingdom and layed waste.

Towns were destroyed and many people were killed. Those who survived fled to caves in fear. Zelda, her father the Crown Prince long dead, was the only hope Hyrule had for a unified government. Fearing her death, her handmaiden Impa who suffered from almsot a century of age, spirited Zelda from cave to cave to hide her from Ganon's wrath. No one can escape Ganon though, and Zelda was soon captured and dragged away to Deaht Mountain. Impa barely escaped, and Ganon's henchmen gave chase, where Link enters the story.

Charged by Impa, Link plowed through the seven dungeons of the Underworld of Hyrule, retrieving seven of the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom, which Zelda had hidden deep within the catacombs. At the eighth dungeon, at the peak of ancient Death Mountain in Spectacle Rock, Link found the lair of Ganon, the King of Evil. Link was unprepared for that fight, but with the magic of Silver Arrow, Link was able to do what his father had done twice with great difficulty, kill Ganon. Link proceeded to rescue Zelda and reunite the Triforce of Wisdom.

Link was well recieved within Hyrule and he was treated as royalty by Princess Zelda, the sole Monarch of Hyrule. Ganons ashes were dispatched to the wind and floated across Hyrule, only to be gathered by his remaining minions. Zelda knew as well as Link did that all Ganon needed to return was the blood of the slain hero, but that did not scare Link. Link retired in Hyrule's north to grow and learn. But it was not meant to be for anyone from the Family of the Hero.

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