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zelda viii: oracle of ages walkthrough - crown dungeon Go up and kill the three Moblins and go up. Stand behind the red tiles, with your abck to the doorway, and use the shooter to hit the crystal switch, raising the red tiles. Now, go left twice (past the Beamos, which you need to watch out for!). From there, go up and kill the Moblins to reveal a new staircase. Go down the stairs and jump across the little chasm and kill the Moblins and gels. Then, use the hook to get the diamond on top of the button. Go down and open the chest for a small key. Go up the adjacent stairs and down using the lower right doorway. Go down again and hit the crystal switch with the shooter to lower the red tiles and again to lower the blue tiles. Go right and use the shooter to hit all three statues at once and make a chest with a small key appear. The best way to do this is to stand on the colored tile to shoot down and then shoot at one of the two statues on your left and right. All three should activate. From here go left and use the shooter to hit the crystal switch to lower the path to the crystal switch, then hit it again so the red blocks lower and go up. Now go right twice and hit the crystal switch so you can pass the red blocks and go right three times so that you come to a room with Keese and large pits. Use the Pegasus Seeds and Feather to cross the pits and use the stairs. In the next room fight the mini-boss. To defeat it, use the Power Bracelet to lift the ball it throws and hit it five times. When it dies, you'll get a fairy and the portal will open to the main room. Go left three times and down the stairs. Go left from here and down another set of stairs. Cross the 2D scene using the Feather and go up the ladder. In this next (hideously tricky room), watch the movement of the Moblins to see which floors are safe, and use the hook to switch places with them. Once you get to the chest, open it for a small key. Return past the 2D scene and back to the first set of stairs you went down. From here go left and hit the Crystal Switch to lower the blue blocks and go right across them. Now, go right and down twice. Then, go left through the locked door. Inside, go down stairs and use the seed shooter and Ember Seeds to light the four torces. Then, go left. In this room, push around the colored statues on the left side so that they match the pattern that appears when you step on the button on the right (see the graphic for the pattern. Once you push the blocks correctly a chest will appear with theCane of Somaria inside.
The Cane is a throwback to Link to the Past. It allows you to magically make blocks, and, because there is no magic meter, there is no limit to the fun you can have! Remove the pots to cross to the left side of the room and go down the stairs. Use the Cane to make a step at each cliff and go left and up the ladder. Stand at the lower lef tcorner of the stairs and point the shooter to the top left corner and shoot a seed. You'll hit the Crystal Switch, lowering the red blocks. Go around the the top right corner of the room and hit the Crystal Switch to lower the blue blocks. Now, go up. In the next room, you need to push the two blocks on each red sqaure. Because the blocks move in tandem, push one of them onto a red square, then use the Cane creatively to block it from moving in the same direction as your pushing the other block. When you accomplish the goal, a chest with a small key will appear. Now go back past the room with the two BOmbos (with the hallway) and up the stairs. Make sure you hit the Crystal Switch so that the red blocks are raised when you leave the room with the Crystal Switch. From here, go up and left twice. Hit the Crystal switch so the red blocks are lowered and go right three times acoss the pits into the miniboss room. Go up from here and use the Cane to make a block that holds down the button. Cross the bridge and use the hook to move a diamond and open the chest for the compass. Go up to the raised floor and go down the stairs. Cross the 2D scene and go down the ladder. In this room, kill the Moblins and go up the stairs. Now, kill the two Darknuts and stand on the blue tiles. Use the hook to hit the switch and go left, stil on the raised blue blocks. Jump down from the blocks and go up through the locked block and go left. Now go around the crystal switch and hit it. Then, pop open the locked block and go up the raised floor and go right. Jump down onto the red blocks and go up onto the lowered blue tiles. Go up and down the stairs. Stand on the lowered red tiles and then hit the crystals witch with the hook. Jump down to the blue and go up the stairs. Use the shooter to hit the switch on last time. Go left through the locked door. Kill the chain-knight and open the chest for 50 Rupees. Go right again and hit the crystal switch with the shooter and go left and go down the stairs. In this room, use the Can creatively so that you can push all statues around the Owl Staute. It's not hard at all. Just start with the yellow blocks on the right side of the owl staute and the rest will fall into place. Open the chest for the Boss Key. Now, use the start & select buttons together to save and quit so you'll start back at the beginning of the dungeon in the main room. From there, go up twice, right twice, down twice and right. Go right through the Boss Door to face the boss. Basically, the point of this boos is one BIG puzzle. You need to use the cane to guide the floating pieces of the boss towards each other. Once the full boss is formed just hit it twice. Four times at this successfully and you'll be reawrded with a Heart Container and the Sacred Soil.
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