zelda viii: oracle of ages
walkthrough - spirit's grave
Getting started
When you enter the first room go to the door to the right. Kill the
in here and move the block that is preventing your passing to the right
move on
Color Cube
When you enter this room you will see a cube in your direct path. Push
it up
three times into a pit. This will make the torches come on and you will
able to pass.
Get the Map
Go to the left side of the room and you should see a staircase. climb
it and
get the chest that is in the next screen to get the map Now go back to
color cube room and go into the door on the right side of the room.
Skeleton Knights
Kill the skeleton knights and move into the room that is upward from
A Key!
Once you enter this room you may or may not see a ghost floating
around. I f
you don’t see him look for him he is somewhere in here. Kill him buy
him with your sword a few times to get your first Key. Move on to the
room and push the block to the left to access a way to go up or down.
Go down
Take the way downward but don’t explore this room you’ve already been
Just go back up and push the block up to access the treasure chest
for you there.
This chest shall reveal a compass to the dungeon. You should see what
like a vine to your immediate left. Take out an ember seed and burn it
reveal a hidden door. Walk over into this room and kill the snakes and
go up the stairs and push the plate down to make a chest appear. Open
it and
get a ring, you’ll have to appraise it later so just move on out of the
Go Up
Move the block to the right and move upward into the next room. Here
need to move the singular block either up or down. Go up and get the
to get a key. Now move on to the next room to your left.
Move the blocks
Using the two blocks at the bottom, move the bottom left and the other
the top. Make your way through the blocks and go up and over. You will
see a
new door but pass it and move on to the next one.
Push the Plates
In this room push the middle block up and the ones to the right and
left, to
their sides. And then push them up so you have a clear path between
go up and press both of the plates down to make a rotating platform
as well as a chest. Using the platform go over and get the chest to
reveal a
key. Now head back to the room you passed before.
Moving platform
Use the platform to go over to the next side, move the block in and
your way over to the plate. Push it to reveal a chest. Go and Get the
which has a Gasha seed in it. Make your way up and over to the raised
platform above the moving platform. When the time is right jump from
here to
the moving platform and then off it and into the next room.
Move on thought the next room and into the next at the bottom.
Stand there looking at him until his minions come after you. When they
kill them with your sword and hack away at the big guy. Continue to do
until he’s gone.. When he is, grab the farie and move to the next room
the left.
On your way
Kill any moblins on your way and head down the door at the bottom. Move
blocks in this room to go farther into the dungeon
Kill the Skull nights and then head upward. Kill the skull knights in
next room and light the torches. Go down the staircase and thought the
basement until you see the bracelet. Walk over and get it.
Boss Key:
Go back to the chest you saw when you entered the room. Pick up the
blocking the chest to get the ring in it. Now head down. Go down the
and push the bottle over on the plate to move on to the next room. Kill
Skull knights and go up and get the Boss Key
Head toward the boss
Go back to the mini bosses room and head up toward the bosses’ room.
From here go up into the open door way and into a new room. Move your
over to the bosses’ door quickly and go in. (If your not quick a wall
will get you.)
To kill this guy hit him with your sword until his head falls down on
top of
him. Then using the power bracelet pick his head up and throw it on the
little gochst that flies out. His only attacks are to hop around and
try to
crush you or to shoot three fire balls at you. Avoid these attacks and
you’ll be fine. A few times on the head and hes done grab the heart and
up to get the Eternal Spirit.