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zelda viii: oracle of ages walkthrough - tokay island/road to 3rd dungeon From the exit of the wind dungeon Head in the direction of Rafton’s Raft shop. There Rafton will speak of the A rope that doesn’t decay in water. You need this rope so head over to Cheval’s house and ask him about the rope. He doesn’t say anything important so head back to the Present.... In the present head toward the Yoll graveyard and go to the middle area. There you will have to save Moosh the flying bear. After saving him he will offer to help you. Go back to the first screen and then go up. There you need to hover over the pits using Mooshes wings. When you reach the single grave, push it up to and go into the staircase that appears. Make your way along the cave until you reach the flippers. Get out your bracelet and pull the lever all the way back, then fun up the stairs to get the flippers. Now swim up and to the left to get the rope that you need to continue. Once you have the rope head back to the Past. Head to Raftons shop and give him the rope. He tells you that before he will give you the raft you need a chart. Exit the shop and go pack to the present. Now head for the Yoll graveyard again but now go down one screen instead of entering it. Here you will meet Ricky the kangaroo. He will ask you to find his lost gloves before he helps you. to find them go down one screen, 1 screen to the left, 2 screens down and then one more screen to the left. Dig the dirt you see piled up and you’ll find his gloves now head back to him and give him the lost gloves. He will now let you ride around in his pouch. From here head down and over and Jump over the cliffs and the pits until you reach the strange guy floating up in the air. Get out of Ricky’s pouch and jump up with your feather and swipe your sword to pop the balloon. Talk to him and get the sea chart and then head back to Raftons shop in the past. Once there you finally get the Raft! When you set sail you can explore but there isn’t anything to find I would just simply go to the next area. Go down twice and then to the right. Then go up twice and you will run into a storm. The storm will wash you ashore a strange Island with little green guys called Tokays. These things have taken all your things and you have to get them back. Go down one screen and you should see a strange piece of fruit. Move it by pushing it up to the notch in the wall and then move on. One screen over and then down and you will see Tokay with your shovel. Talk to him to get it back. Now you have your shovel, head back up and into the cave you saw before. You will see a Tokay holding your sword. To get it back you need to go to the top of the cave and push the rock to the left and then dig up the dirt that is blocking your progress. Make your way down to the Tokay holding your Sword. talk to him and get your sword back and then head out of the cave and back to the first area. Go up the stairs and head all the way over to the right. You will run into a dead end but remember this area it is called the Tokay Tree nursery. get out of that area and continue to make your way down the Island until you reach an area with another piece of fruit. Push this one to the fruit up and then to the left into the notch and then continue on until you reach the beach. Now head to the right and then up the beach until you see a tent in the middle of an island. Inside this tent will be your feather and your bracelet. Trade your shovel for your bracelet and head out of the trade tent. Head back to last staircase you went down and look to the right. There will be a narrow path you can go through. Follow it around the island until you reach a rock. Pick up the rock and move it and then go into the staircase. Move the bottom block and the second block to access the second staircase go up it then go get your bombs. Now go back down the stairs and bomb the rocks to get a gasha seed in he chest. Now head back toward the Trade shop and bomb the bomb able wall that will be there. Go in it to reveal the Tokay Game. You have to win this game to advance. Listen to the rules and then play until you win the Scent Sapling. After you have it head back to the Tokay Tree nursery and talk to the Tokay that is standing there. He will plant the seed for you. There should be a short cut from here to the Trade shop so take that and go to the Trade shop. Here you need to get your shovel back and then get your feather. Go back once again to the last staircase area and jump over the pits that are there. Go up one screen to the bomb able wall and blow open the entrance. Go inside and jump over to the cracked rocks. **There will be a patch of dark water after some rocks that you need to remember **Blow up the rocks and continue to maneuver your way to the flippers. Talk to the Tokay and get your flippers. Get them back and go to the trade shop and get your bracelet again. Now remember the patch of dark water? Go back to it and pull the rocks up then dive down. Maneuver your way through the water until you reach a ladder. Go up it and over to get your seed satchel. Now go back once again to the Trade shop. Trade your bracelet for the shovel and try to get your feather. He will ask you if you want to trade it for 10 mystery seeds. Say yes and after you have it trade your shovel for the bracelet again. Head back to the area where you received your flippers, but now go one screen down and into the cave that is there. Inside move the bottles and go down the staircase. Make your way through the water until you reach a ladder, climb it and when the time is right jump off of it to the moving platform. From this platform you have to use the Rocs feather to jump from it to the stable platform and then to the next. Go over one more screen and up the ladder there. Exit the room and you should come out beside a Tokay holding your harp. Get the harp and head back toward the Trade shop, but now stop at the Time Tile that is beside the tent where you got your bombs. Play the tune and go to the Present When you arrive you should make your way to the Tree Nursery. Here you will find that the scent tree has grown and you can now take the Scent Seeds! After you get them you need to go back to the past once more After you travel back in time you need to go to the trade shop one last time. Trade the bracelet for the shovel and then ask about the bracelet. He will ask you to give him 10 scent seeds for it. Give him the seeds and get out of there for the last time. You now have all of your original items back! Make your way back along to where you got your harp back. But now follow a path that leads to a new Time Tile. Dig up the dirt and play your tune then enter the portal and Zip back to the present From this side of the Island you can wander around to the right and you will find a farie queen if your low on hearts. When your through head out and to the north where you will find a Time Tile. DO NOT use it, it will send you not only to the past but to the very first screen on the island. Instead make your way along the path until you reach a large looking stone structure. When your ready go on in, welcome to The third Dungeon!
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