zelda viii: oracle of ages
walkthrough - moonlit grotto

Go to the top left corner of this room and blow up the topmost cracked rock. Then, push a block to get through the next room. Use the Harp and the Pol's Voices will die. Open the newly-appeared chest for the Dungeon Map. Go back to the first room and go up. Kill the two Moldorms and go right through the newly-opened door.

Use your sword to crack the Crystal in the middle of the room (pay no attention to the rumbling) and go up. Go into the Big Whell and head right from where you emerge. Blow up the two cracked blows that are in front and then throw bombs over the "fences" to get the other two cracked blocks. Then, push the block on the bottom of the "square" inward so you can get at the crystal. Then, push another block aside to get at the statue that isn't in the formation. Push that on into the middle of the formation, then up twice, left, and down. A small key is your reward.

Now, go left, down past the Wheel, left, and up through the locked door. Go right and through the Wheel down. Now the direction has been changed, so go left, up, and right and up through the Wheel.

Go up and kill the Like Likes. If you grab you they'll probably eat your shield, so avoid that. Go right and hit the button to awake the Armos Statues. This is tricky- use bombs to kill them because the sword won't do anything. When they're all dead, a small key will appear.

Go left and up through the locked door. Run for a corner and use your shield to blocking the tiles that fly at you. The kill the two red gels and the doors will open. Go left. Work your way through the bushes, with bugs hidden in them, and down, left, and up. The go up the stairs and down and open the chest for 30 Rupees. Hop down and go down. Jump down the blackness to the bottom floor. Kill all the tektites/gels and go down. Kill the moldorm in the fenced off area and go down again. Use your Harp to pop the Pol's Voices and go up through the top left door.

Go up and up the stairs. Smash the crystal and head back downstairs. Use two bombs to kill the Moldorms that caged in and go down through the newly-opened door. Go left in the next room. Now, use a bomb to hit the Cyrstal Switch to wake up the Armos. Dispatch the Armos with a bomb and get the compass out of the new chest and go up the stairs.

Go left and push the top block up, the left block left, and the right block right. A small key will appear. Take the key and go back to where the last crystal you smashed was and push the block your right right so you can go left and through the wheel. Circle around so your back at the wheel (go down, left, up) and the wheel will take you up. Go up and suffer through the tile trap. Go left and circle around to the top of the room and use the small key to open the locked door and go up.

Go left and kill the two moldorms and the two things that follow you around. Open the newly-appeared chest and get the seed shooter. Now, go right and use the shooter to light the box. Now, go back the wheel and use it to go up. Circle around as necessary. Use the seed shooter pointing diagonally top-right (yes, its possible) to hit the fourth and final crystal. Go down and open the chest for a Gasha Seed.

Go left and down into the pit and go right-- where the wheel has fallen to. *sigh* Take the wheel, then circle around down, left, up, right and up using the wheel. Go up again and fight the mini-boss, a mole.Use the shovel on the moving dirt pile to expose the mole and hit it a few times. When it dies, go left and kill the two moldorms that are behind the blocks. You'll be able to get them so don't worry. When they're dead, push the bottom-right block in the formation and a small key will appear.

Now go back to room where you always fall to from the big pit (with the four tektites and two gels). Go right so that you pass left and down through the big wheel and circle back around to that first room that you always fall down into. Go up and hit the Crystal switch so that the turnstile has the \ shape. Use the shooter to hit the switch and cross the newly-formed bridge.

Now, hit the other crystal switch so that the turnstile has the / shape and use the shooter to hit the switch again. Take the new bridge that goes down and get the 30 Rupees from the chest. Go back up and open the locked door.

Now, use the seed shooter to hit the Crystal Switch so that the turnstile had a \ shape. Use the shooter to hit the switch and cross the new bridge. Then, hit the crystal switch so the turnstile has a / shape and shit the switch to make a new bridge form. Go up the new bridge into the next room. Obviously, because you don't have the boss key, push the block to the right to go down from the right side of the room. Go down twice to the big wheel and you'll pass to the left.

This is tricky. Stand on the button so that the two turnstiles form a / / shape. Now, while still standing on the button, hold the button that the shooter is on and direct it to the top-right. Shoot the seed without stepping off the button and the seed should hit the switch by passing through the turnstiles. Go up.

Get the Boss Key out of the chest and circle back to the Boss Door (its past all the turnstile rooms). Open the Boss Door and go inside to face the Shadow.

This boss in incredibly tough if you don't know what the deal is. Realize that it says its your shadow, so it will attack only from behind you. Run away from the moving black splotches that follow you and when they stop take a position against the wall (facing the wall) with the shadow behidn you. It'll attack you from behind. Use the shooter to bounce a seed off the wall and hit the shadow and then move out of its way. Repeat six times and you'll defeat it.

Grab the Heart Container and the Echoing Howl and get the hell out of there!


 the desert colossus
   legend of zelda
   adventure of link
   link to the past
   link's awakening
   ocarina of time
   majora's mask
   oracle of seasons
   oracle of ages
     • fairies
     • screenshots
     • trading sequence
     • walkthrough
