zelda i: legend of zelda

Dungeon 1

Enter and go right. Kill a Stalfos and get a key. Go left twice and kill a Keese to get another key. Go right, then up. Kill more stalfos, go up, and kill more to get another key. Go right, get the compas, then go left twice. Kill the bats, go up, and kill the gels. Go right and get the map. Go right and kill the Goriyas to get the Boomerang. Go left and up. Kill the stalfos and get a key. Go up, kill the goriyas, and go left. Push the stone on the left and go down the staircase. Grab the bow and go back upstairs. Go right, down, down, right, right, Get the key, and go up. (Be careful not to get caught by the hands or they'll take you back to the begining of the level!). You'll see the first boss, a Dragon. Stab it in his head about six times and it will die. Grab the heart piece it leaves behind and go right. Congrats, you got your first piece of triforce!

Dungeon 2

Enter and go right. Kill all the snakes to get a key, then go up and kill more snakes. Go right and kill the gels to get the compass. Go left as far as you can and destroy all the enemys to get another key. Go right twice then up, then right. Kill the gels and get the map. Bomb the north wall and go up. Avoid the fire the statue shoots at you (Way easyer if you have your big sheild) and kill the goriyas. They'll leave behind the silver boomerang. Go left, kill snakes, get the key. Go up, kill moldorms, get another key. Go right, Kill keese, go up Kill snakes. Go right. If you want to, you can go up and talk to the guy. He'll just tell you how to kill this level's boss. If you dont, just go left. Kill the goriyas and go up. Here you'll meet bosses #2, Dodongo. How do you kill them? If you played Zelda 5, it's way easy. Just place a bomb right in front of them and if they don't turn away, they'll eat it. Just make them each eat 2 bombs and they'll explode. Get the heart piece, go left, and get your second piece of triforce!

Dungeon 3

Enter and go left. Kill the Zols and get a key. Go up, kill Zols, get another key. Go up and kill the Darknuts. Darknuts have special armor so they can only be killed by attacking them from the sides or back. (Later in the game you'll have to face roomfulls of Blue Darknuts. A easyer way to kill them is to make sure you have your hearts full so you can shoot beams from you sword. Stand in the door way so they can't attack you. When there facing away from you on the other side of the room, quickly run out of the doorway, shoot them as much as you can, then quickly run back into the doorway.) Go left and kill the keese and get the compass. Go left, kill more darknuts, go down. You can ether kill the Darknuts in this room or just run as fast as you can down the stairs. Downstairs you'll find the raft. Go back upstairs and go up twice. Get the key, go right, get another key, go up. Kill all the zols and move the stone. Go left. The guy there will give you info on how to get the white sword. Go left and get another key. Go back right, down twice, then right. Kill the zols to get the map then go down and kill the farknuts. Go right then up. you'll find boss 3, the Mandandlas. Destroy all 4 of it's heads and get the heart container it leaves behind. Go up and get your third piece of triforce.

Dungeon 4

Enter and go left. Get a key for killing the keese, then go right then up. Kill the vire and go right. The room will be completely dark. Use your candle to light it up. Kill the vire to get the compas. Go left, up, get a key, left. Kill the vire. you'll get another key in the next room. Go up then right, kill the vire and go right. You'll find like like's in this room. make sure you dont touch them or they'll eat your sheild. if they do eat your sheild, you might have a chance to get it back if you kill it in time. Push a stone and go down the stairs. you'll find the ladder. Go back upstairs and go left twice, then up. Kill the vire and destroy the mandandlas. Go up and get a clue about the waterfall. Go right and get a key. Go right again and avoid the spikes and go down. kill the vire and move the stone. Go throug the door to fight the forth boss, andother dragon. Keep Stabbing it and avoid it's heads and the fireballs. Kill it and collect the heart container, then go up. Get the 4th piece of triforce.

Dungeon 5

Enter and go right. Kill the bols voices by shooting them with your bow and arrow. get the key and go back left. Go up and kill the gibdo for another key. Go right to get a clue on how to kill this level's boss. go back left and bomb the left wall. Go through the wall and kill the gibdo. Bomb the left wall again and go throught the hole. Kill all the darknuts and go down the stairs. go up the other stairs and go left. Kill all the darknuts, move the stone, go downstairs and get the Wistle. Go upstairs and go right, then down. Kill the keese to get a key, them bomb the right wall. The guy in there will give you a bigger bomb bag for a certain amount of ruppees. Pay him and you'll be able to hold 12 bombs. go left and up and enter the staircase. go up the other stairs. Go right twice then go up and left. Kill the zols for a key, then go right 2 screens. Go up, kill the Gibdo's for a key, then go left and get the map. Go right then up and kill the darknuts for the compass. continue going up and kill the enemys for a key. Go left and kill the gibdos to get another key. Go left, kill the bad guys, then go left again. You'll face boss 5, Digdogger. Use your whistle and it will break into several little digdoggers. Slash all the little ones till there dead. Pick up the heart container it leaves behind and go up. Collect the 5th piece of triforce.

Dungeon 6

Enter and go right. Kill all the Wizzarobes and get the key. Go left twice then up once. Kill all the sols to get the compass. Go up and kill the keese. Go up, avoid the spikes, and go into the next room. Kill the Like likes and the Darknuts in this room (You can't kill the spirit bubbles. If you touch them, you can't use your sword for a few seconds) then move the left stone. Go up twice, kill the gleeok, then go right. Get the map then go down. Kill all the wizzarobes and move the left stone. Go downstairs and get the magic wand. Go back upstairs and go down. Get the key. go down then right. Kill all the enemys and move the stone. go down the stairs and up the other. Go Down and kill everything to get the key. Go left then up. Here's boss of Level six, Gohma. To kill it, wait untill it opens it's eye. When it's open, shoot it with a arrow. When it's dead, Get the heart piece and collect Triforce piece number 6.

Dungeon 7

Enter and go up. bomb the north wall and go throug the hole. Go left, then up. A guy will sell you a bigger bomb bag. Pay him and you can hold 16 bombs. Go down three times and kill the snakes for a key. Go up, up, right, up, up. Kill Diddogger and bomb the right wall. Kill the moldorm and grab the key. Go left twice then up. Kill the bad guys and get the map. Go right and bomb the right wall. kill the bad guys and move the stone. Go downstairs and get the red Candle. go back upstairs and bomb the right wall. Go right and move the stone. Go down the stairs. Go up and bomb the right wall. Enter and you'll see the 7th boss, another dragon. Kill it and get the 7th piece of triforce.

Dungeon 8

Enter and go right. Kill all the bad guys and get the key. Go left twice, kill the Mandhandlas, and go left again. Kill the darknuts and the gibdos and move the left stone. Go Downstairs and get the magic book. Go back up and go right twice, then up. Kill the manhandlas and bomb the north wall. Kill the bad buys to get a key then go left. Kill the guys in here for another key, Then go left and kill the Darknuts for a third key. Go right twice then up twice. Bomb the north wall and go up. Kill the manhandlas for a map. Go up and kill Gohma. Go right and kill all the bad guys, then move the stone. You'll get a special master key that will open all the doors (So you don't need to collect more keys). Go back left then down twice, then go right. go down the stairs then up the other. Go left, up, then bomb the right wall. Inside the next room is boss of level 8, another dragon. Once you kill it, collect the last heart container. Go up. You just found the last piece of triforce!

Dungeon 9

Enter and go up twice, then left once. Kill the moldorm then move the left ston. Go down the stairs and up the other. Kill the like likes then go right twice. Kill the patras, go down and kill the Zols, then go down again, Killing the zols and keese. Bomb the right wall and go throug the hole, then bomb the north wall and go through. Get the map and bomb the top wall. Kill the wizzarobes then move the left stone. Get the red ring.. Go down twice, left, up three times, left. Kill the wizzarobes then move the left stone (Remember this point) . Go down the stairs and up the other. Kill the bad guys and go left twice. Move the stone and take the stairs. go up the other and bomb the top wall. Kill all the bad guys and move the center stone. Go downstairs and collect the silver arrows. Go back to where i told you to remember and go up three times. bomb the left wall and go left. Kill the like likes, move the left stone and go down stairs. Go up the other stairs. Kill the patra and go up. You'll meet the boss of level 9 and the King of evil himself, Gannon! He will turn invisible and shoot fireballs at you. To kill him, keep slashing your sword untill you hit him. He will temporarly turn visible. while he's visible, shoot him with your silver arrows. After a long battle, he will finally die. Go up. Princess Zelda will be standing there sorrounded in flames. Simply slash the flames with you sword and Walk up to her. Congradulations, you won the game! Well, not really, you still have another Quest to finish!


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   legend of zelda
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     • items
     • monsters
     • screenshots
     • codes & secrets
     • walkthrough
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