zelda iii: link to the past
dungeon bosses

Armos Knights These guys are a cinch if you have the proper equipment, namely Arrows. Just hit each of them with three arrows. If you run out of arrows, twelve sword slashes should do the job. When you take out all six of them, just grab your new Pendant of Courage.

Lanmolas These guys can be tricky, they jump out of the sand, giving you only seconds for an attack, and jump back in. Just use your Whirlwind attack (hold B) and hit them in the head. Eight hits each and you are the new proud owner of the Pendant of Power.

Moldorm The Moldorm is a big Yellow Worm with five sections and a vulnerable tail. Use the Whirlwind attack on his tail and you now own a Pendant of Wisdom. But be careful, if you fall down the pit then you have to climb back up and fight him again!

Agahnim Just use the Master Sword to deflect his magic fireballs back at him. Sometimes he'll throw a lighting bolt at the room from an above platform, just stand against the walls to dodge it. When you put him away for good, you're ready for a little "trip" to the Dark World.

Helmasaur King This beastie has one weakness, his forehead. Unfortunately, it has a mask to protect it. So smash the mask with three bombs or the Hammer. Then use your sword or arrows to hit the gem on his forehead and put him out of commission.

Arrghus Arrghus is a big pink jellyfish. You need to destroy the pink puffs that surround it. Do so by using the Hookshot to draw it in and slash it until it dies. Then pull out your sword and hit it eight times, or four times with your Hammer, to finish this baddie off for good.

Mothula Mothula is well, a giant Moth. Not that hard if you can dodge the traps, then use the Fire Rod on it fifteen times or eight sword slashes to destroy it.

Blind the Thief This boss is hard because of his tactics. He'll bounce around the room blasting you with red laser beams. To kill him, stand behind the sunlight block and slash his heads to knock them off. Each head take three hits total.

Kholdstare It isn't hard to imagine where this boss got its name (Kholdstare = Cold Stare). You need to thaw the ice around him with eight fire rod blasts. Then just hit each of the three eyeballs six times with your sword to finish it off.

Vitreous To kill off yet another eye boss, stand in one of the bottom corners and use the Whirling Blade attack to kill the little eyeballs that fly at you. Then just use the Whirling Blade attack to finish off the Big Eye when all the little eyes die.

Trinexx Use your Fire Rod on the blue head to stun and slash it to kill it, then use the Ice Rod on the red head. Rinse and Repeat until the heads die. When the heads die Trinexx will change into a worm with a glowing center. Just slash the Center with your sword three times to finish of Trinexx.

Agahnim Finally another chance to take out Agahnim. This time though, he brought two friends. It is easy to tell which Agahnims are fake, the hazy ones are. Use the same tactics you used on the Agaghnim back in the Light World to finish him off once and for all. Now it is time for a battle with Ganon.

Ganon This is probably going to be a long and frustrating fight for you. Just attack him with your sword whenever possible, while dodging his attacks. After a few hits Ganon will turn out the lights, relight them with the Fire Rod and hit him with the sword to stun him. Then launch Silver Arrows at him. Rinse and repeat three more times to take Ganon out for good. Congratulations, you beat the game!

[Lanmolas dives for the sand]


 the desert colossus
   legend of zelda
   adventure of link
   link to the past
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