zelda iv: link's awakening walkthroughs - welcome to kohilint! Welcome to Kohilint Island! Take a moment to familiarize yourself with Mabe Village. Get your shield by talking to Talon, oops I mean Tarin, and make you way to the beach. Travel along the Beach until you come along a narrow passage with a Sea Urchin in the way. Push it aside with your shield and go for your sword. The Owl will land and bother you. When he leaves grab your sword. Now go back to the Village and head for the Mysterious Woods. Make your way North until you see a plant in front of another narrow passage. The Owl will bug you again and leave. While going through the Woods watch out for the Moblins and slimy things. Find the cave with the sign in front and go inside. Go through the cave until you leave it and get the Mushroom from behind the plants. Now leave the cave (you might want to get the 50 Rupees out of the chest) and go North from there. If you happen to enter a square with a Raccoon, turn around, its a dead end. Find the area with the cave with three stones in front of it and a Moblin with three slimes. Kill them all and go right. Go down from there. DO NOT HIT THE BLUE THING! It will shock you. Just keep going till you find the Witch's House, it looks like three dead trees. Go inside and show the Witch the mushroom, she'll give you some snazzy Magic Powder! Light her box and leave. Now head to the Raccoon. Toss some powder on him and he'll turn into TARIN. He'll leave and you can finally go north without being messed up. Get the Tail Key out of the Chest. Now it is time for your first dungeon!
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