zelda iv: link's awakening
walkthroughs - turtle's rock

Go up and ignore the Demon. Notice the room you are in, for this is the Main Room. Jump the mud river and go up. I guess I should teach you how to use the directional blocks. Just push against them then use the D-Pad (the thing your left thumb is on) to move it around. If you point it towards a place you can't push to it'll pop. Anyhoo, make it go into the nook between the two block on the left side near you. Walk the passage to the three blocks blocking the chest. Push the top and bottom blocks forward and then the middle one up. Gte the map out of the chest and bomb that cracked wall. Go up and left to the stairs.

Make your way thorugh the 2D scene and emerge in a room with some snakes. Use the pots and your to smash them and go up through the door. Get the stone beak out of the chest while your there! Remember this guy? Crush him with his ball and go left. Bomb the north wall in the middle and hit the Crystal Switch. Now push the block so that it will fill; the chasm giving you a hidden key. Goi back a room and up. Go down the stairs dodging the Beamos' attacks. Emerge, go up, and then left. Kill the demon and go left. Kill the snakes and go up. Smash the Cyclops and go left. Fill the chasm with the block and go down. Get the 50 rupees out of the chest and go left again. Kill the Roller guy and go down. Grab the compass out of the chest. Go up twice and annihilate the demon for a snazzy key. Now reurn to the big mud room (with the directional block).

Push the directional block so that it goes in between the two blocks up top. Push the right one out of your way and go up. Unlock the block and go right. Open the door and go past the spike traps and up through the revolving doort. Bomb the left wall. Go up. Kill the Mummies (Ghido) and get your key. Go left and just dodge the Bomb Worms. Keep going left, past the boss door, until you reach the room with the staircase. Go up and exit the dungeon. Grab the Heart Piece if you like and go right. Go in the cave and toss bombs of the ledge to take out the Bomb Worms. Get your small key out of the chest that appears and go back to the red staircase you used to get outside. Go down and shoot an arrows at the statue of a cyclops and collect your new small key. Thjat's three!

Go back to that room where I told you to blow open the wall (before the Ghidos) and go through the opening. Jump over the chasm and go left twice. Go up the stairs and then right. Use your hookshot to cross the room to the far stairs and use your last key on the block. Cross the 2D scene and get ready to fight The Boxer This guy is the most tedious boss you'll face. If he hits you with a wind up punch you'll get knocked to the beginning of the level. Try to get above hit and smack him with your sword. Use your feather to get above him. Good luck!

Great job! If you hit the crystal switch like I said you'll be able to get the Magic Rod. Head back to the main room. Go up and left, then up and left again. Go up and light the pots with the Rod to get the key. Now go back to the Big Mud Room and push the directional block to get to the staircase. Go down the stairs, use the Rod to melt the ice and pass thorugh the rest of the 2D scene. Jump down and go through the locked door and kill... Big Octo. Now go up. Fill the room with the directional block and get the Boss Key. Now go back AGAIN to the Mud Room and push the block so it go to the right. Keep going right and down the stairs into the 2D scene. Go through the 2D scene and emerge by the boss door. Open it and fight Magmar!!!

Magmar Wicked easy. Just stand by the door and use the Magic Rod on him. Now mgo up and get the Thunder Drum. Yah! The last dungeon is done, are you ready for the Final Fight???


 the desert colossus
   legend of zelda
   adventure of link
   link to the past
   link's awakening
     • bosses
     • hearts
     • oddities
     • screenshots
     • secrets
     • secret shells
     • story
     • walkthrough
   ocarina of time
   majora's mask
   oracle of seasons
   oracle of ages
