zelda vii: oracle of seasons
walkthroughs - the four jewels & tarm ruins

If you haven't already, go to Subrosia Market and buy the Blue Card for a low,low 5 Ore Chunks. Go to Horon Village and try to go into the back room of the market. The Salesman will let you through. Go down the stairs to the super-market! Buy the Treasure Map for 300 Rupees. It's steep, I know, but it's worth it. Now, you need to find the four Jewels.

Go to the first dungeon's island and go in the water. Swim right and down to the Treehouse. Talk to the old man inside for the Round Jewel.

Go to the Fourth Dungeon (on Mount Cucco) and dive in the pool to the right of the entrance. The upper right square has a cave with the Triangle Jewel.

Go to Spool Swamp and season to Sping. Go as south as you can (using Moosh or Pegasus Seeds/Feather to jump the gaps) and past the trees. Go inside and retrive the Square Jewel.

Light to torch on the beach with the Hero's Cave. Cross the bridge that appears and dump a Mystery Seed on the Question Mark-Shaped Rock and kill the tail quickly for the X Jewel.

Go to the tree outside Spool Swamp now. Go right and up. Use the Jewels in the slots to open the gate and enter. Turn the season to summer and climb up the vines. Go left and climb down the vines. Push the Statue left and climb back up the vines to the stump and change the season to winter. Go right and up the stairs. Go across the snow and up the stairs. Push the bottom two Armos statues right and change the season to Spring. Go up.

Cut the flowers and change the season to Autumn. Remove the mushrooms and go left. Bomb the crack for a room with a Fairy inside. Go out and down. Go down again adn burn the bush. If you have the Phonograph go inside and get the path to the Noble Sword from the Deku Shrub. Go up and left into the Lost Woods.

A CLOSER LOOK AT The Lost Woods and the Noble Sword
Turn the season to Winter and go left, then to Autumn and go left, then Spring and go left, then finally Summer and go left. Get the Noble Sword which can shoot beams of light when your hearts are full!

Now go right and follow the following pattern. Change the season to Winter and go left, change the season to Autumn and go down, change the season to Spring and go right, and finally change the season to Summer and go up.

Go up twice and right. Change the season to Winter and go down, right, and up. Go up the snow bank and go left. Push the bottom Armos Knight Statue to the left and go abck to the stump. Change the season to Spring. Use the launch flower to go up the ledge and go right.

You'll run into a some wacky guy with a cane. He'll tell you that if you save Din the Evil King will return. Gee, Evil King... my, who could that be... if you don't know, I ain't telling you. Geh heh heh. Now, go in the tower to enter the Ancient Ruins.


 the desert colossus
   legend of zelda
   adventure of link
   link to the past
   link's awakening
   ocarina of time
   majora's mask
   oracle of seasons
     • the maku tree
     • passwords
     • screenshots
     • secrets
     • walkthrough
   oracle of ages
