zelda vii: oracle of seasons
walkthroughs - poison moth's lair

Head up and equip your shield. Use the shield to knock over the spikes and then hit them once with your sword. When all three are dead, go up. Go right tice (avoiding spikes along the way). Go right and quickly push the second pot down. Get your sword ready. Four Floormasters will emerge and you need to kill them. Head to the right wall and push the top pot down twice, and the bottom pot left three times, down once, left once, down once, and left three times. Now go down.

Go left and down. Use the Power Bracelet to push the rollers and get the small key out of the chest. Go back up and right and up the stairs. Use the Flute you have to make the Pols Voices dissapear. Go up and kill the two monsters for a chest with ten bombs. Bomb the wall that the floor tiles surround and get the Map in the next room.

Go back to the stairs and push the topmost pushable block (third one from the bottom) forward and the middle one down. Go left and face a very difficult puzzle. The diagram I made is a little crude, but it should help.

  1. 123456
  2. __3_5_
  3. _35___
  4. ____3_
  5. ______
Head left twice and run past the Peahats. Go up and knock both Beetles into the pit. Go up through the locked door and kill the four monsters inside. Open the chest for the Roc's Feather!

Save and quit so you can easily get back to the beginning of the dungeon. Go up and right twice to the moving platform that goes horizontally. Use the Roc's feather to jump to it and go down the stairs. Cross the two 2D screens and go up the ladder. Push the trampoline, the blue thing, onto the red square right in front of the stairs. Jump on the trampoline and push down to go up and hit the floor. Get the small key out of the chest. Go back down the pit and and up the stairs. Go left. Use the Roc's Feather and the Power Bracelet to in tandem push the rollers and jump the spikes.

Go left and jump down the pit. Jump on the trampoline and push down to get on solid groun. Get the compass out of the chest and jump back down the pit. Go down the stairs and cross the 2D scene. Go up the stairs and jump down to the shallow water. Jump to the chest and get 30 Rupees.

Go right and jump to the moving platform. Jump to the other side and head right to the room with the Floor Masters, go down, and left. Jump over the switch to the red floor and go left and up the stairs. Get around the blade (a Pegasus seed helps) and up, then left, to the chest with a Gasha Seed. Go back to the locked door you just saw and open it. Go left to face the Mini Boss.

This boss is easy if you know the trick. Use the Power Bracelet to pull them out of the water and toss them into the corner. Slash repeatedly until they die. Only three of them, so it shouldn't be too hard. Go up the stairs and right twice. Go up (jumping across the ledges) and jump down the pit. Push the four block from the top (in the line impeding you from getting to the chest) right and jump across the pit. Get the Boss Key from the chest and go right adn down. Use the portal to warp back to the miniboss room. Go up the stairs and right. Go up and enter the boss room to face Mothula.

Mothula is another easy boss. Jump to one of the center floor spaces and attack him whenever he flies by you. He'll fall easily. Get the heart container and go down the stairs and up to get the Bright Sun.


 the desert colossus
   legend of zelda
   adventure of link
   link to the past
   link's awakening
   ocarina of time
   majora's mask
   oracle of seasons
     • the maku tree
     • passwords
     • screenshots
     • secrets
     • walkthrough
   oracle of ages
