zelda v: ocarina of time secrets
Fairys outside of Fountains there are two ways to get a Fairy outside of a Fairy Fountain:
1. Whip out a Deku Stck, walk up to a butterfly, if the butterfly landds on the stick it will turn into a Fairy!
2. Z-Target a Gossip Stone and play Zelda's Lullaby, a Fairy will pop out!
Sinking Lure in the Fishing Pond at Lake Hylia walk around the pond. On the Big Log sticking out of the water is the Sinking Lure. Simply walk on the log and you should pick it up. The Sinking Lure looks like a string of bubbles and it attracts Fish like Candy!
Heal the Signs if you "accidently" chop the signs up (The square signs, not the arrowish ones). Play Zelda's Lullaby and the sign pieces will float back together.
Silence of the Chickens... if you hit a chicken with your sword a couple of times it will go beserk and call its friends. Before you know it there is a swarm of chickens chasing you around! Run for your life!!!
Triforce there is no Triforce! Get over it!!!
Bottles bottles are a helpful item that are essential to beating the game. There are only four bottles in the game plus you can use the secret above.
1. Go to Kakariko Village as a kid and talk to the lady at the Cucco Pen. She will ask you to find her seven Cuccos for her, do it and she'll give you a bottle. Their locations are:
a. There is a Cucco right next to the pen, bad Cucco! Bad!
b. There is a Cucco on the other side of the fence next to the House of Skulltula, get another Cucco and jump of the stairs from the incomplete house to reach it by floating.
c. There is a Cucco on the other side of the big fence next to the windmill. Float to the fence and toss the Cucco at the last second. You will grab onto the fence and you can get the (now) two Cuccos over there... even explore that hole, hmmm.
d. There is a Cucco on the ground high up next to the Windmill. Climb the ladder on the other side of the big fence to get to it.
e. There is a Cucco inside the box next to the Cooking Lady's house.
f. There is a Cucco by the entrance to the Village.
g. The last Cucco is up by the gate to the Death Mountain Trail.
Now go see the lady and recieve your bottle!
2. (As the little dude) Play the Big Cucco game at Lon Lon Ranch. Your prize is a new bottle filled with Lon Lon Milk! Mmmm, thats good cow pee!
3. (As a Squirt) After getting the Silver Scale from the Zora at the Diving Game go to Lake Hylia. By the entrance to Zora's Domain there, there is a bottle with a message from Ruto inside. Dive down and get the message.
4. Get the Ten Giant Poes in Hyrule Field as an Adult. After capturing each one in a bottle bring it to the Poe dealer (aka Ex-Hyrule castle Guard) that is in the Guard Tower by the Market Entrance. After you give him all ten he'll give you a bottle!
Item Sequences
Biggoron's Sword okay, this is the best sword in the game, WAY better than that feeble Giant's Knife... what a ripoff... grrrrr.... Anyways, to get the sword you have to be an adult and do the following sequence. WARNING! Make sure you have Epona freed before you do this!!!
1. Go to Kakariko Village and talk to the woman that you saved all the Cuccos for. She'll give you a "Pocket Egg." Play the Sun Song until its the next day. The Egg will hatch into the "Pocket Cucco." Go to Talon in the Cooking Lady's house and wake him up. He'll leave and go save Lon Lon Ranch from Ingo. Hurrah! Go back to the Cucco Lady and she'll give you Cojiro the blue Cucco. Now leave the Village and ride Epona to the Forest.
2. as you enter the Lost Woods take a left. There will be that scary guy from your childhood (the carpenters son!). I wont ask... Anyways, wake him up with Cojiro and he'll wake up and give you the Odd Mushroom. Leave the Woods and get to Epona post haste! The Mushroom will go bad in 3:00, so hurry! Deliver it to the Grandma Lady in Kakariko Village (located behind the normal potion shop) and she'll make the Odd Potion. Head back to the Lost Woods.
3. Instead of the Freaky man is a Bratty Kokiri Girl. She will demand you give her the Potion. Do so and she'll give you the Poacher's Saw. Now head to Gerudo Valley.
4. I know what you thinking, "How do I get across the big hole?" Simple whiner! Just hop on Epona and run REALLY fast at the bridge. Epona will jump the chasm. Show the saw to the Boss Carpenter and he'll give you the Broken Sword. Now head to death Mountain.
5. At the top of Death Mountian (where the Great Fairy Fountain is) is Biggoron! Isn't he just Cuddly-Wuddly? Hmmm... show him the sword and he'll complain that his eyes hurt. take the perscription he'll give you and go to Zora's Domain.
6. Hopefully you unfroze King Zora with Blue Fire, if not yer screwed, go do the Ice Caverns. I'll wait here... back so soon? Okay unfreeze fish-boy and he'll give you the Water Tunic, blah blah blah, show him Biggoron's perscription and he'll give you an Eyeball frog. Get the hell outta there and head to Lake Hylia, you got 3:00 again!
7. Go into the Lake Labratory and show the frog to the Old Dude, he'll get ready for din din until you crush his old, feeble heart... he'll make the frog into Eyedrops. This is a hard one, you have 4:00 to make it from Lake Hylia to Death Mountain. Hop on Epona and run for your life! Mess up and you'll have to start over with King Zora again!!!
BIG TIP when your climbing that wall thats just before Biggoron, kill the Skullwalltulas with your arrows first, you don't have enough time for them to knock you down.
8. Show the Eyedrops to Biggoron, Victory! Waita mintue... Claim Check? Arg... play the Sun Song six times so it becomes three days later. Show the check to Biggorn and you get... dun dun dun dun, the Biggoron's Sword! Joy!!!
Mask Sequence the only sequence you can do as a child, this one is rather easy. No timers for this baby! Here's how you get the fabled Mask of Truth that allows you to listen to what Gossip Stones have to say.
1. Make sure you have the gate at kakariko Village open, if not, go do so! Then head to the Happy mask Shop. The salesman will give you the Keaton Mask which you can give to the Gate Guard at Kakariko. Get your money from him and go pay the Mask Salesman. Here are the people that buy the rest of the masks:
Skull Mask The Skullkid at the Lost Woods. You get ripped off!
Spooky mask The kid in the Graveyard during the day. He'll pay you the exact price for the mask.
Bunny Hood The Marathon Man that travels on the path around Lon Lon Ranch. You must have become an adult for him to appear. Chase him until night when he sits down and sell the Mask to him. He'll max out the Rupees you can carry as payment!
When you sell all the masks, you can choose from the Mask of Truth, Goron Mask, Zora Mask, or Gerudo Mask. You can't sell the bonus masks though, but you can borrow them for free!
the desert colossus
legend of zelda
adventure of link
link to the past
link's awakening
ocarina of time
gold skulltulas
the story
mask of truth
majora's mask
oracle of seasons
oracle of ages