zelda v: ocarina of time
walkthrough - fire temple

When you enter the Fire Temple you will meet up with Darunia. He will tell link to rescue the rest of the Gorons. Go into the big room on the left side of the temple. Inside you will find a gate with a Goron inside. Rescue him by opening the door for him. To open the door, hit a switch. then get the key in the treasure box. Now go to the main hall. Go into the other big room on the right half of the building. Once inside go to the left half of the room and free the next Goron.

Then go straight across and free the other one. You might have to move a blue block, just use the Song of Time. Now just go and continue following the bridge to go to a new room. In there you will find a large pair of towers. Climb up the fence cage t get on the top of one of them. If you are on the correct block you will find a huge block. Push the block into the fire and voila you have made an elevator. In the new room find your way to the tip and throw a bomb over the side to set off the white crystal, then climb up the wall that was blocked by fire. This room is filled with rolling boulders. 

Find your way through and get the 3 keys and rescue the captive Goron. When you have completed this puzzle go in the next room and you will be in a room with platforms that when you touch you get followed by fire. Just KEEP RUNNING and you won't get hurt. At the end of the fire curtain you will find a ledge with the dungeon map. You may have noticed a side room while you were running from the fire RIGHT? well go in the room and you will in this huge room with a lot of poles and when you try to walk between some of them fire will rise up. Just find your way through and you will be in a small room with a key. Now continue into the next room to finish the flame maze. 

When you find your way through you will be faced with a mini-boss called Flame Dancer. To fight this foe shoot your Hookshot at it and the flame will go out then SLASH THE HELL OUT OF IT until it dies. ^_^ A hole will open that will lead you to a room that looks like stairs a little. To get the Megaton Hammer you must hit the white crystal and run to the chest before the flame comes back. Now go into the door farthest from the hammer. In the new hall just hammer the floor and the floor will turn to stairs. Follow them. 

Now hit the huge pillar so it falls through the floor. Follow it down. Now go back to the main hall and go to the statue on the lower level of the room and give it a whack with your pretty hammer and you will reveal a door. Follow the hall and kill the flare dancer to get the Dungeon Key. Now go in the room where you had that huge spike fall through the ceiling and enter the next room with the Dungeon Key. Now you will fight the legendary Volvagia. Which is a big fire dragon/snake.

Volvagia: Subterranean Lava Dragon Volvagia is pretty easy as long as you remember three things, one: NEVER, EVER touch Volvagia becuase it can really hurt you if you touch it. Two: use the Megaton Hammer, it is the only weapon that will work. Three: KEEP RUNNING!!! 

Alright, down to buisness. When Volvagia first pops its head out of a hole, smash it with the Hammer. The next time it pops out it will circle the room trying to fry you. Don't get hit. Then it will give you a hitting opportunity again, smash it, then it will pop out again but go out of sight and rain rocks on you. very bad, don't get hit. Four rounds will put Volvagia out for good. Grab your Heart Container, step in the Warp and meet up with Darunia the Sage of Fire.


 the desert colossus
   legend of zelda
   adventure of link
   link to the past
   link's awakening
   ocarina of time
     • hearts
     • oddities
     • secrets
     • gold skulltulas
     • the story
     • mask of truth
     • walkthrough
   majora's mask
   oracle of seasons
   oracle of ages
